Thursday, July 21, 2011

Commenting on State vs. Religion

                Sarah Hrncir posts an issue, on The Big Block of Cheese, about State vs. Religion. She makes a statement and an explanation about how Governor Rick Perry plans to make a national day of prayer on August 6th. Many people disagreed with that and sued him.

                I agree with what Sarah states about what Governor Perry is trying to do. This is not the first time he has tried to do this. I remember the one time she makes an example of where he has been trying to include religion with politics. I remember when he asked for people to pray for rain. That was weird, but no one sued him over it. This time he stepped over the line with trying to make a special day for prayer.

                It makes sense that Perry would try to do this. He is trying to incorporate Christianity into his election. Of course, Christians would vote for him standing on this platform; but he risks turning off people of other religions who would not vote for him. That is a major item that people use to decide who to vote for. Many who are non-Christian would not want to give their vote for him doing this.

                Ms. Hrncir uses strong logos reasoning and ethos in that she confidently speaks about what she thinks on the topic. She outlines her ideas in a reasonable, logical way. I also feel there should be separation between religion and government. They are conflicting sources and it doesn’t make sense to mix them.

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